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The Unseen Gorilla

The Unseen Gorilla blog empowers changemakers
to see the invisible gorilla that's blocking change

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"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims"

R. Buckminster Fuller

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Something's not right...

But it's hard to put your finger on it. Somehow there's a missing factor that explains why things just don't add up. But what is it? 

Often because we run out of time, or something else comes along, we move on. And mostly It doesn't matter. But sometimes there's an unseen gorilla in the room that we're not equipped to see. The famous invisible gorilla experiment revealed just how porous our perception can be.


[Spoiler Alert] If you haven't already seen the experiment; or don't remember the details, you can see the short video here: selective attention test


Gaping holes can exist in a picture we see as complete. So complete that a man in a gorilla suit can walk in, in plain sight, take centre stage, beat his chest and casually walk off - and yet remain unseen.


But what if these gaping hidden holes in our perception were exploited to take advantage of us?

The modern world is a busy and confusing place with a lot going on all the time. And layer upon layer of activities, meaning that increasingly, we all live and work in silos - as Gillian Tett has rightly pointed out in her book The Silo Effect - seeing little beyond our own sphere.

This is how the modern world works and there's nothing wrong with that. Or is there? Who is organising this? All this activity; bubbles within bubbles.  These days governments seem to just surf this tide moving from one news cycle to the next; one election to the next. 

Or is it the markets? but markets don't organise themselves. Not entirely. They work within rules and boundaries set somewhere by someone. So who is the hidden gorilla? The unseen gorilla in this case? And to whom do they answer? 

But this is not a story about the markets. Or those who make the rules - and, how and whether they are accountable. It's not even about the financialization of the markets that have been put at the centre of everything. With mankind in service to the markets...

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The #DignityDonut

Explore the Dignity Donut

Restoring the dignity of mankind via the primary colours of humanity. Empowering and connecting changemakers leading the world towards a thriving, sustainable future for humanity and the living planet.

Incorporating the Humane Economics project, from which the Dignity Donut platform was born.

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